Friday, August 1, 2014

My version of happiness.

For me, being happy is an option. You, yourself got the right to choose to be happy or not happy. That’s it.

First, just let me share to you my own recipe of happiness..

1.  When I have a chance to open my eyes and to breathe in the morning, I will thank God for it.
2.  Make plans to get things done.
3.  Dress well.
4.  Live healthy: get myself a breakfast, lunch and dinner (yeah, at least), do some sports, drink fruit juices, drink lemon water and get enough sleep.
5.  Catch up with some friends: tell jokes, do some quality talk and being crazy together.
6.  Buy myself RM1 Wall’s Rainbow Ice Cream. (if only consuming ice cream would keep me healthy, I’d eat it every day).
7.  Be a super annoying best-friend (it feels good, sometimes).
8.  Talk all night long with my fams & close friends (I’d like to do it every night if it’s possible).
9.  Listen to my favourite songs.
10.  Read books and quotes that motivate me.
11.  Set a positive mind.
12.  Open-up to someone, trust people & be empathy.
13.  Be MELself, don’t change for anyone but change for the better. :)

Everyone in this world deserves to feel their own happiness, to make their own version of it. As what I believe in this life, no matter what situation you are currently in, how much money you have in your pocket, who are your family and friends, but as long as you are thankful of all that you have right now, you will be happy. It might sound a bit naïve, or we might just want to say that “life is not that simple”. Well, I know right, but what I believe is if we are being easy to ourselves, life is being easy to us too, so why do we complicate life? Start to create your own version of happiness and be HAPPY instead :)



  1. #6 rule should be mcdonald's ice cream mel, beware lohh contain some animal's fat HAHA:D

    1. just keep it between us, please? :p thanks for the comment boss! ;)

  2. Hhaha duh cici udh gede yahh. Now i know kalo km ngambekk tnggal sogok icecream walls


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