What is that one thing
that crosses your mind when you see the word “missing”?
That could be that you
miss someone, you lost some things, you are lost, you do not know, do not have
any idea or any clue at all. Yeah, it could be that way.
So, what’s next?
I am quite sure there is at least one time in our lives whereby we miss that one piece to complete the puzzle of our lives, but we are just not sure what that is and how we know about it. Inside our heart, it just feels empty. It does not mean we do not have friends to hang out with, family to share with, movies to watch, songs to listen, it just feels not right at that moment. But again, what is that?
we tend to figure that one missing thing in our lives as fast as possible, we
would like to do every ways to find out, but the truth is it takes time, we
cannot force it, we need to wait patiently. So, what are you gonna do while you
are waiting?
If you are feeling that
way right now, take some time, give some space to yourself…to think, to re-do
several things you are supposed to do, to free yourself from some words you don’t
want to hear, to get away from places that give you so much pressure, sometimes
it is right to do those things, but remember do not ever run away from it, you
are responsible to find that missing piece to complete your own puzzle of life.
After a while, face it and figure that missing piece out with a strong heart,
open mind, big smile on your face, and last but not least is always count on
your closest ones too, cause they care for you as much as you care for
yourself. WIN IT! :)
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